The Library of Reuse hosts media that highlights pioneers, projects and products in circular construction.

Books include our own publications and recommendations.

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Films show projects and pioneers in action.

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Podcasts showcase interviews with pioneers.

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Pioneering individuals and organisations at the forefront of circular construction share insights and experiences. Our YouTube channel and podcast series highlight their innovative approaches to reused materials and circular practices that pave the way for a more sustainable construction industry.


A curated selection of real-world applications of reuse in construction showcases blueprints, case studies, and visual tours that demonstrate the practical implementation and impact of circular building practices.


Material catalogues, components designed for reuse, detailed specifications and applications are presented to inspire circular construction projects. These resources can help architects, builders, and developers make environmentally conscious choices in their work.


Discover our collection of books around a circular built environment and reuse in construction. We recommend books by others, but also share books published, co-authored or edited by Library of Reuse curators.


Our films show you different projects from reuse in construction.


We talk with architects, engineers, professors, policy makers, and other changemakers who care about a more sustainable future.

As actors in the construction sector, we want to share current knowledge and research about reuse and, more broadly, circular construction.